There has always been something about a Bushveld wedding that draws me in… Maybe it’s the warmth of a field with a sunset behind it? That makes me feel like someone has just wrapped me up in a warm fluffy blanket?
I guess it’s a location choice that will never go out of fashion and the variations of it, at certain venues, will continue to be a chosen backdrop. Add a few trees, mountains and sunsets… Perfect.
Below are two venues that we have had the privilege of shooting at, both have some amazing bush veld options…BUT with an abundant area of greenery everywhere.
Greenery in contrast to bushveld, gives me a fresh, lemony, “I just woke up” type of atmosphere, sunny and happy. As I am certainly not a morning person, this type of “feeling” might make me want to pull the blankets back over my head. Dramatic, I know, but I would much rather be warm and fluffy.
“Hakuna Matata” and “Thaba Ya Batswana” – featured below, from some of our older weddings. You can decide which “colours” lures you in more? Warmth or Fresh?
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